First break from France…

For our very first break away from French life and culture (which I will say was severely missed by the time the weekend was over), the France Study Abroad Squad decided to partake in Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany. After weeks and months of planning and plenty of money already spent on lodging, we were ready to get going once the time came. The trip involved ludicrously early bus rides (or late ones  – 3 a.m. is a bit ambiguous), and late nights, a kind of go! go! go! mentality, for there was always something to do or somewhere to be. With only a weekend in Munich, we had to make the most of it and sleep took a bit of a hit, but it this kind of experience was certainly worth it.

You may be able to easily see it in the photos, but in case not, Oktoberfest was wild. There were probably about 50,000 people there at least. Simply put,the environment was contagious and there was no one, not even I, escaping it. For example, a few of us woke up at unorthodox hours to get a good spot in line and a good table inside one of the main tents (where the fun really is). Once the gates were opened, thousands of people visible in the lines all around the entrance were full-out sprinting to the tents – essentially, it was either run or be run over. You can imagine which one we picked.

We entered one of the main tents and, by some divine miracle, nearly 30 Holy Cross students met up with each other within the first 10 minutes of entering. With two or three tables among ourselves it was safe to say that we stuck together. By no means was there a shortage of drindles or lederhosen (though you will see me sporting a pair of jeans) and the culture of the festival was incredible : the singing, stein-clinking, the tent going wild. There were even beer teams decked out in jerseys and joggers.

Naturally I asked myself during the bus rides at the previously mentioned unorthodox hours if this weekend would be worth it and if it was worth it, and once more I’ll say that the environment of the festival certainly made it so. I would call it a one-time event having seen it all and felt it all. My suggestion, if you can go – go once and you will see all you need to see. For now, I’ll let the pictures do the talking.





Dijon squad grabbing lunch before heading to our hostel
Drindl & lederhosen shopping
The entrance !!!!
Yeah there’s a few people inside this tent…
One of our HC tables
One of the aforementioned beer team members
Going on the Ferris wheel is an absolute MUST if you’re ever here – there are few views like it
France Abroad Squad being the best like always
Dijon squad in our natural habitat